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Hip and Knee Fellowship Program
Carrell Clinic Hip and Knee Replacement Center
Clinical Hip & Knee Fellowship Positions Available: 1
Sponsoring Society: American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS)
Prospective Interviewee Timeline for Upcoming Match Cycle:
- October 2024: Deadline for Online Application
- January – March 2025: Fellowship Candidate Interviews (Dates to Be Announced)
- April 2025: Fellowship Match Results Announced (San Francisco Match, https://sfmatch.org)
- August 1, 2026: Clinical Fellowship Begins
Clinical Fellowship Summary:
- Patient care
- Over 2,000 joint replacement procedures per year
- High-volume, regional referral center, specialty orthopaedic hospital
- Includes simple and complex primary cases, revision cases, comprehensive infection management, conversion arthroplasty, and periprosthetic fractures
- Five fellowship-trained hip and knee arthroplasty surgeons
- Active members of AAHKS and AAOS, including committee representation
- Mentorship-model training
- Exposure to multiple device companies
- Enovis, Zimmer Biomet, Stryker, DePuy Synthes, and Smith & Nephew —all currently in use
- Opportunity for trauma call
- Ambulatory primary hip and knee trauma as well as periprosthetic fractures
- Attending surgeon back-up always available for fellow cases
- Ambulatory primary hip and knee trauma as well as periprosthetic fractures
- High-volume, regional referral center, specialty orthopaedic hospital
- Hip arthroplasty
- Anterior, posterior, and anterolateral approaches
- Revision/conversion/periprosthetic fracture surgery from all approaches
- Use of computer navigation, artificial intelligence, and intraoperative fluoroscopy
- Wide age range and interesting primary/conversion cases due to our relationship with Scottish Rite for Children (congenital hip diseases, post-Perthes, post-acetabular osteotomy, etc.)
- Anterior, posterior, and anterolateral approaches
- Knee arthroplasty
- Exposure to PS, CR, and ultra-congruent (medial/dual pivot) knee designs, fixed-bearing, and rotating platform
- Use of computer navigation and robotic-assisted surgery
- Traditional gap balancing and measured resection techniques
- Total knee arthroplasty as well as partial knee arthroplasty (medial, patellofemoral, and lateral)
- Over 2,000 joint replacement procedures per year
- Education
- Regular case conference for teaching purposes as well as pre- and postoperative discussion
- Rotating lecture series on hip and knee arthroplasty topics
- Journal club
- Research
- Supported by the nonprofit Carrell Clinic Foundation
- Active IRB-approval for retrospective review of prospective institutional database
- Active IRB for multi-center prospective randomized controlled trial for automated THA
- Support for new IRBs for additional prospective studies
- Mentoring of residents in orthopaedic research from Baylor University Medical Center and UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Institutional research grants and industry research support
- Editorial review for multiple orthopaedic journals
- Research relationships with national colleagues (The University of Utah and OrthoCarolina)
- Current research projects:
- Prospective Multicentered RCT: Manual versus Automated Impaction for Direct Anterior THA
- Revision DA THA retrospective comparison: Heuter Interval vs accessory portal
- Quantitative Fluoroscopy-Based Computer Navigation Software for DA THA
- Recently published/submitted manuscripts:
- Rizkalla JM, Gladnick BP, Obafemi TF, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Schubert RD. Posterior capsule reconstruction with polypropylene mesh for recurrent instability after total hip arthroplasty. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2023 Summer; 32(2):92-96.
- Kolodychuk N, Raszewski JA, Gladnick BP, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Waddell BS. Handheld navigation improves accuracy in direct anterior total hip replacement. Arthroplast Today. 2022 Oct; 17: 58-65.
- Bhimani AA, Gladnick BP, Gililland JM, Anderson LA, Masonis JM, Peters Jr PC. Total hip arthroplasty in patients with severe chronic pubic diastasis. Arthroplast Today. 2022 Mar 20;14:189-193.
- Fritz JK, Waddell BS, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Gladnick BP. Is dislocation risk due to posterior pelvic tilt reduced with direct anterior approach total hip arthroplasty? J Arthroplasty. 2021 Nov;36(11):3692-3696.
- Wood DS, Watson SL, Eckel TM, Peters Jr PC, Kitziger KJ, Gladnick BP. Decreased costs with maintained patient satisfaction after total joint arthroplasty in a physician-owned hospital. J Orthop. 2021; 24: 212-215.
- Wood DS, Eckel TM, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Gladnick BP. Accelerometer-based navigation improves early patient-reported outcomes after gap-balanced total knee arthroplasty. J Orthop. 2020 Dec 24; 23:37-40.
- Kapilow JM, Gladnick BP, Anderson LA, Peters Jr PC, Masonis JL. Acetabular exposure is enhanced with self-retaining retractors during direct anterior total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics. 2021. Mar-Apr;44(2):e309-e313.
- Rizkalla JM, Gladnick BP, Bhimani AA, Wood DS, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC. Triaging total hip arthroplasty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2020 May 22 (ePub ahead of print).
- Rizkalla JM, Bhimani AA, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Schubert RD, Gladnick BP. Financial Impact of Removal of Total Knee Arthroplasty from the Inpatient-Only List for a Physician-owned Bundled Payment Program. J Orthop. 2020 Jan 30;20:221-223
- Bhimani AA, Rizkalla JM, Peters Jr PC, Kitziger KJ, Schubert RD, Gladnick BP. Surgical automation reduces operating time while maintaining accuracy for direct anterior total hip arthroplasty. J Orthop. 2020 April 1;22:68-72.
- Recent presentations at academic conferences:
- Kitziger RL, Dugan AL, Waddell BS, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Gladnick BP. Does Artificial Intelligence Out-Perform Humans Using Fluoro-Assisted Computer Navigation for THA? [Poster Presentation #191]. In: American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons; November 2-5, 2023; Dallas TX.
- Fawley DW, Bernard T, Diaz R, Thomason III HC, Johnson K, Gladnick BP, Redmond J, Morrison JC, Burney MU, ten Broeke RHM, Zagra L, Heinrich M, Alexiades M. Surgical Approach and Functional Recovery Outcomes After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in the Early Postoperative Period [Podium Presentation #8269]. In: International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty. September 27-30, 2023; New York, NY.
- Gladnick BP. Video Spotlight: Primary Anterior Hip Tips and Tricks. [Podium Presentation]. In: Anterior Hip Foundation Innovation Symposium. May 5-6, 2023; Las Vegas, NV.
- Ferrari E, Redmond JM, Thomason HC, Morrison JC, Yang CC, Fawley DW, Gladnick BP. Feasibility Of Using Electrocardiography (ECG) Data To Quantify Surgeon’s Burden Within Manual And Automated THA: Results From A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. [Abstact #369]. In: European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; May 24-26, 2023; Vienna, Austria
- Morrison JC, Gladnick BP, Yang CC, Bernard T, Fawley DW, Thomason HC, Heinrich M, Alexiades M, Redmond J. Can Surgeons Consistently Hit Their Cup Positioning Targets? Comparative Results from Two Prospective, Multicenter Studies. [Abstract# 1546]. In: European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; May 24-26, 2023; Vienna, Austria
- Trousdale RT, Sierra RJ, Goodman SB, Clohisy JC, Bolognesi MP, Garvin KL, Peters CL, Gladnick BP, Bostrom MP, Sculco PK, Figgie MP. Hip Replacement in Adolescents and Young Adults with Sequelae of Pediatric Disorders [Instructional Course Lecture #281]. In: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; March 8, 2023; Las Vegas, NV.
- Haidukewych GJ, Scott C, Yoon RS, Liporace FA, Yuan BJ, Gausden EB, Gladnick BP, Lee GC, Kubiak EN, Levine BR, Mason TT, Donegan DJ. Disaster-plasty: A case-based guide to leveraging trauma and arthroplasty skills for the extreme challenges (Symposium V). In: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; March 10, 2023; Las Vegas, NV.
- Gladnick BP, Taunton MJ. Automated Direct Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty Assisted by the OrthoGrid AI Fluoroscopic Navigation System [Podium Presentation]. In: 11th Annual Direct Anterior Approach Hip Course, International Congress for Joint Replacement; Oct 13-15, 2022; Houston, TX.
- Rizkalla JM, Gladnick BP, Obafemi TF, Kitziger KJ, Peters Jr PC, Schubert RD. Posterior capsule reconstruction with polypropylene mesh for recurrent instability after total hip arthroplasty [Podium Presentation]. In: Society for Arthritic Joint Surgery; Sept 24, 2022; Banff, Canada.
- Gladnick BP. Revision total hip arthroplasty through the direct anterior approach: Pearls and Pitfalls. [Podium Presentation]. In: Texas Orthopaedic Association Annual Conference; April 23, 2022; Austin, TX.
If you are interested in learning more about the fellowship program, please contact Kande Progue.
Phone Number: (214) 220-2468
Email: kprogue@carrellclinic.com